Prostate Cancer Screening Procedures

DRE – Digital Rectal Exam
During this test, the urologist will insert a gloved finger into the rectum of the patient and feel for any abnormalities in the prostate through the bowel walls.

PSA Blood Test
The PSA blood test is performed the same as other typical blood tests. A nurse or medical technician will draw blood from a vein. This blood sample is analyzed to measure your total PSA level. An increased PSA level could indicate prostate cancer and warrant further testing.

Tissue Biopsy
Removing small prostate tissue samples for examination. 12-14 samples are taken from different locations in the prostate. This process is aided by TRUS, a transrectal ultrasound device, to guide the biopsy needle and obtain samples from each location.
Biopsy Procedure
What to Expect
During a tissue biopsy, 12-14 samples are taken from different areas of the prostate. You can see these areas in the prostate graphic.
These tissue samples are collected either through the rectum or perineum. The doctor uses TRUS, a transrectal ultrasound device, to guide the biopsy needle and obtain samples from each location.
Once these samples are collected they are sent to a laboratory that prepares and processes your tissue to be analyzed. Our pathologists analyze your tissue by using digital tools to look for abnormalities in the cells. These tools include quality assurance checks from A.I. algorithms and diagnostic reports that generate easy-to-understand mappings of the prostate and regions within it that may be of potential concern.